Saturday, September 5, 2009

3 more exam....

1st examination week passed so quickly... I already sit for 2 exam paper - English Language (ENG) & Hubungan Etnik (HE) which just finished today morning. Luckily, this semester HE's exam paper not so difficult, actually can considered as easy. I come out early for this exam paper. I think i can come out early for this paper only because other subjects is much more difficult than HE. I will sit for Business Mathematics & Statistic (BMS)'s paper on next Monday. This is a quite challenging subject, it is an additional to additional mathematics that i study at secondary school. I scare i don't have enough time to finish all the questions, then my HD fly away. Next Thursday, I will sit for Microeconomics (ME)'s paper - most of it is about theory... theory.. & theory. Quite Bored.... And the last paper - Introduction to Accounting (IA) will be on next next Monday. The most difficult thing for me in IA is to memorize the definition of those unused things... OH NO !!! very bored lol... After this paper, my semester break will appear..... Waiting for this moment... HEHE~

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